See also: [[Active Listening.mp4]] by Ted-Ed on YouTube
For when you want someone to like you more / view you more positively. The best way is to learn to do it opportunistically whenever people need it and you happen to have the energy to do it. It's like dropping pennies in a piggy bank of social currency. It doesn't seem like much, but it really adds up.
When to use GIVE
When the other person clearly has something they need to say and have heard
- They re-approach the same topic multiple times despite lukewarm or negative responses from others.
- They have a bizarrely disproportionate and out-of-character overreaction to something seemingly harmless.
- They mention something commonly known to be highly stressful or traumatic such as major life events, conflicts, and losses.
- On the brighter side, they are frequently approaching or oddly excited about something new they are interested in like a hobby or a new friend.
When you are in a good emotional place to hear them - You are not physically distressed, uncomfortable, or in pain. All your immediate needs for food, water, and toileting are met.
- You are not emotionally distressed or preoccupied with your own highly stressful event.
- You are not annoyed by or otherwise in conflict with the person who needs to be heard
How to Use GIVE
- Gentle - Don’t attack, threaten or express judgment during your interactions. Accept the occasional “no” for your requests.
- Interested - Show interest by listening to the other person without interrupting.
- Validate - Be outwardly validating to the other person’s thoughts and feelings. Acknowledge their feelings, recognize when your requests are demanding, and respect their opinions.
- Easy - Have an easy attitude. Try to smile and act lighthearted