Opposite to Emotion Action

Intentionally acting differently than the emotion you are feeling calls you to, with the eventual goal of changing the emotion you are feeling. The worst part is that that’s a legit measurable phenomenon in behavioral psychology; you actually can fake an emotion until you feel it. Your brain will literally be like,“well. I’m smiling. So I guess I’m happy???” Brains are dumb but the cool part is once you know your own exploits stuff gets a lot easier, and this one is in pretty much all human brains.

When to Use

There’s a decent chance that whatever feeling you’re having is actually relevant, actionable, and important, so you need to rule that out before you use this skill. If there is a person or entity who is physically hurting you, constantly criticizing you or saying hurtful things, controlling you, etc, you’re supposed to feel anxious/generally bad around them or it. Those unpleasant emotions are there to tell you to move away from something dangerous. If the unpleasant emotion you're feeling is Relevant, Important, and Actionable, Opposite action probably isn't the right skill!

How to Use

Think creatively about what you would be doing if you were feeling the way you would rather be feeling? Do whatever of those things are appropriate to the situation you're in.
